What Has Eczema Done For You? 

Is that a loaded question?  Can it be answered by things like; It’s left me fearful? Sad? Angry? Hurt? In pain?  

How many of you are parents of a child suffering from Eczema?  Has it made you worried, overwhelmed, lonely?  

I felt all of those. Fearful my daughter would be hospitalized AGAIN for staph. Sad she had to miss out on kid things like playing at McDonalds.  Angry, because why did we have to spend 45 minutes preparing her skin for bed?  Lonely, because no one really wants to talk about a skin condition.  

Eczema is a crappy wrap. It’s something that no one wants. And you don’t wish it on anyone, but I want to share the other side of what Eczema has done for me.  The GOOD, if you will.  (Believe you me, I am 5 years from when our Eczema was bad and I can still relate with all those raw emotions!)

Eczema brought us a very dear friend.  From the lowest point we met Dr. Azam Anwar the founder of CLn Skincare. The products that changed our life and began the life changing. He was a God send and has been instrumental in all of our successes.

Eczema brought us friends that we could share our battle with and help change their life. But what Eczema really brought us was opportunity….
My daughter battled Eczema and it controlled our family. Then one day it brought about a partnership where I was able to use my voice and experience to share our story…

Years later, I realized that opportunity really provided me vehicle and I decided to drive the car!  That car took me to uncharted territories! It started with a lot of personal growth and reflection, blogging and then I pieced it all together. 

Dr. Anwar facilitated ideas and put me in contact with a social media manager who was a real blessing. She taught me everything and was so supportive, has offered advice and really gave me training and guidance she didn’t have to. God really worked through her and met me where I needed and thanks to her I started a social media business. 

This social media business provided us extra money for vacation and really gave me the confidence to speak in front of groups, share my visions for other people’s business and grow my own. 

Thanks to Eczema, I own a business that is growing, flourishing and providing in ways I had no idea it could. 

But that’s not all…Do you want to know what Eczema is providing me now?!

FREEDOM AND HAPPINESS AND A LIFE I DIDN’T  KNOW EXISTED. My husband is working with me.  He is out of corporate America…he is able to be a dad and father by not working 90 hours a week.  He is able to help me run OUR social media business. We are able to use his strengths to strengthen my weaknesses and vice versa.  

So ask me again the question that started it all:

Eczema change my life!  And I never thought I would be able to confidently say this, but the GOOD defintely outweighs the bad. 

When you are down about your current circumstances and you don’t understand why….I encourage you to trust in God, Cause He knows what he is doing.

I asked Him many times why and He tested my patience and my faith, but the battle was worth the VICTORY. And here I am, Eczema Mom, entrepreneur, social media guru, Child of God who is finally able to see that what Eczema is was really a blessing in disguise!  (Matthew 6:8)